Wednesday 12 October 2011

Jeepers Creepers - Horror Film Cliches

Jeepers Creepers conatins many different cliches that create the first minutes of the film, this happens from the beginning where you are opened to the scene by two teenagers driving in a car in a cliched rural countryside, this is cliched because it represents the vulnerable state of being outside alone with nobody to hear you if you scream, which is the  purpose of this genre. The teenagers are relaxed on this country scene, which tells the viewer that they don't know what is about to happen yet, and the gore that the audiance know is going to happen hasn't started. The two teenagers are portrayed as arrogant and self observant, which makes the viewer angry and annoyed at the sight of them, which brings out the audiances darkest desires of wanting to kill them. It makes the audiance feel superior as they have the upper hand in knowledge and they get to sit and watch as they know that the teenagers are inevitably going to get killed. The cliche of the boy and girl cruising along in a car on a deserted road gives the stereotypical view of freedom and arrogance as they are going over the speed limit to impress each other. The non diegetic music plays in the background to the action again to notify the veiwer that there is going to be some gore which is what the film is suspending us for, it is cliched but it is also how it attracts the audiance to follow and pay attention.
We can see with the wide camera shot in the pane of glass behind the teenagers that a car behind is destroyed, which is cliched as again the audiance know more about the surroundings as the characters do as they continue to talk and be self absorbed.
Whilst the audiance know that something is happening the characters continue to converse and we discover the cliche of the day that the horror is happening as being being an important day to them, for Jeepers Creepers it is the death of someone they knew on the same day the audiance are put in one year ago.

The main important scenario is when they continue to drive and find the big cliche of the film. It starts with them finding the creepy house on the creepy road in the creepy woods, in the middle of nowhere. This is very effective as the emptyness of the area is significant to making this broken shattered house looking creepy which is the aim of the genre, and it succeeds this by the characters playing along that this is something to be feared.

To add to the fear of this scene you get the cliched glimpse of the object of fear, the man who you need to be scared of. The next scene is another chase scene to get away from the objectivity of fear. Then there is next the cliched problem of the phone not being able to work, there just happens to be no signal in the time of need. The car is then taken off of the road, and breaks down in an empty rural setting. This makes the reader question what they are going to do next to get out of the situation.

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