Friday 24 February 2012

Evaluation Activity 4 - Target Audiance for my film.

My target audience would be of the ages of 15-20, as they have a higher attention span than children. This would be why the lower age group wouldn't be appropriate for my opening two minutes. The audience particularly would be teenage girls, who are interested when it comes to the media on dramas that take place within clips such as mine. It would grab their attention to how her personality is and they will want to find out what is going to happen.
For an age group such as this, one of the examples of T.V programmes which they might watch is Hollyoaks, because it centers around different peoples lives , and this is the sort of dramas that they are interested in, because of the continuous changes in the atmosphere and plot. This is representative of them as they like to believe they are involved in the dramas themselves, and that is why I decided to make my opening two minutes interesting with the character themselves.

The music they might listen to is quite modern day, typical teenage girl boybands are an example of what is cliched for the female audiance. The boybands have to be quite modern to be prefered, so one example could be The Wanted. This type of music makes the audiance get the cliched idea of them being vain about the appearance, which is where hollyoaks comes from. I slightly turned away from this cliche for my audiance to change the outlook a bit more, and also because I had already made my main character similar to that of the character House.

The last cliche of what teenage girls might do to shop is in big areas such as Primark to buy their clothes, this is also noticed in clips such as Hollyoaks where the styles have been inspired and copied so the audiance can wear the same style. This again because of the emotions that are meant to be felt within my character I didnt follow persuit, but my other character who dies however does have this particualr style of clothing, it shows that she was more expressive and more modern with her style.

I think that my character denies to copy the styles that are typical of teenage girls, but because of the drama that is involved they are more interested as she could have been the same as them before she turns to being plain, and the fact that my character is of the same age group would help them relate more to her, that is why I think it fills this as the taret audiance.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Evaluation Activity 2 - Representation of Social Groups.

My main character is inspired by the character of House played by hugh laurie, a big American drama about medical issues that he has to solve. There are similarities and differences between them, the similarities is what makes my character. The similarities involves the way they act and the type of person they are as individuals, as they have very lonely personalities. I used costume as a way to symbolise that my character isn't worried about aesthetics, which suggests that she doesn't care what other people think of her. This could suggest loneliness, which is what I was hoping to symbolise in my choice of mise-en-scene. Like this screen grab I have just taken, she prefers to be hidden away from eyes view, which is what is used in House to show the same symbolism. He is meant to be a person who hides away from any sign of human contact and tends to be seated in empty rooms which are dark and show little use of being open to conversation. With this inspiration in mind I was hoping to create the same thing, only mixed with the differences that they have.

The differences of my characters is the aesthetics and occupation. The aesthetics of my character is a young teenage girl, and this brings across a sign of depression as this is how the audiance portray the view of a girl who hides herself away from other people. House is a grown man with an occupation which is brought across and used to manipulate the way that he works, and they use this as a reason to why he is hidden away from people. This brings across the view that he is thinking about things that could be significant. My character follows this idea as I wanted to make her seem like a hidden question, and the audiance want to know what it is she's hiding. Followed by the fact that she is seeing things that arent there, it further develops the audiances question on what she is hiding that could make her act this way, therefore she is considered as a character to be liked instead.

House does also wear clothing that resolves around old trainers and ripped shirts, as this lets the audiance know his arrogance to the thought of being dressed smart to impress. The use of costume therefore is similar. Because of the gender and age difference the character of House is able to be further developed as the use of facial hair is used to show the lack of hygeine that he maintains. I tried to reinvent this from a stereotypical females point of view so that my character has her hair tied back in a messy ponytail, as this is considered abnormal for a woman not to care about how she looks. The lack of make-up further develops this as she is meant to be seen as not caring about her visual apperance. This is how I have made my character similar to House.

Despite the age, gender and occupation, the characters have a similar role in their individual parts. House is meant to be the character that is relatable because he can't function the same as everyone else, which is the same role as my character. They are both center of attention when it comes to camerawork and they have both individually experienced moments when hallucinations come into play. This makes them more relatable and therfore they have become the same characters but for different age groups.

Both these characters have shown the social groups of how loners become in everyday situations, my character being important to keep away from outside view. They both show in a good way how this type of social group is portrayed in the media and it seems that they are considered someone to be sympathised with instead of be afraid of or to repel. This allows the audiance to see the other side of how a character is shown in the media.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Day 1 of filming

Day 1 of filming resolved around a cold day in January, which meant that the wiind was loud. This resolved around different frequencies of the wind in the background which meant that it doesnt work when created together in the filming. I need to overcome this when creating the film together by recording the sound of the wind and overplaying this on the video so the frequencies remained the same.
i filmed the surrounding areas of the scenery, establishing shots. this way i can fill the time that i have been given for my opening two minutes, and it shows the use of different camera shots. i then filmed my first character in the scenes and it resolved around her walking to the classroom that starts off the scene of the film. My opening two minutes resolves around the scene being plain and makes the audiance question what is going to happen next. I need to do the last minutes as i have the equivalent of 57 seconds.