Wednesday 23 November 2011


Molly Venn

Age: 16

Alice Venn

Age: 16

Molly and Alice are included in my film at this stage, and I think it would be best if we do the clip in the place that we work, a private school at night. This is because when we work it is at 7 in the evening, and in winter, the time of year we are in it is pitch black. This can add atmosphere to my opening two minutes if I created my clip here, and they will be around to be included in my clip at any time. I also think this would be a good idea because we work 5 days a week, giving me time to film these clips and refilm if there is a part that isnt correct, and then I will have more time to edit.
Before I decide completely on this place to be my choice of location, I am going to go to other areas and see if there is a better place to film my clip, and whether it will look better than the school scenery. This is because I think the scene I have chosen links more to horror, with its creepy atmosphere, but when deciding what I am filming this might fit in for my location.

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