Tuesday 15 November 2011

Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging

I chose this genre as it is a mix so it is suitable for the teenage audiance, comedy mixed with the stereotypical views of the teenage ages which is what the entire film is based on. It shows the representations of the teenage girls lives according to the media, and they use language for teenage girls the same ages to relate to the characters, keeping them entertained. I think this is a good film to analyse as it focuses more on the stereotypical views of teenagers and how this one character, Georgia, is portrayed compared to the other characters in this film.
The camera shot in the first clip is a two shot, this is to show both characters and be involved in the conversation that is ppening between them. The costume that she wears is to add humour to the situation that is going on that is shown in the diegetic conversation of the characters interacting. The use of slang language that the teenage girl uses connects the target audiance and adds humour at the over exagerration of the language. The sound effects that is used when she hits the pipe again proves the over exagerration of the teenage ideas. To see the full costume there is a wide shot of the surroundings and the olive costume she is wearing.
The camera immediatly jumps to the next clip, which is done so by the diegetic dialogue that is used. She says 'I have to make an entrance', to which you next see the clip of when she is entering. This adds humour as the rest of the people in this party are dressed more appropriatly than her.
The cliched bully of teenage films makes herself known as she makes the entire area of people around her laugh at this character, which makes the audiance feel sympathy for her. When she sees her friends she starts to charge over to them, from then on she confronts them and their ideas for costumes. This is when the audiance start to see that she in fact is different to the other girls who are just trying to fit in.
The opening two minutes end with a tracking shot of her running through the different surroundings to get home, after she has been embarrased. This is stereotypical in how the media portrays teengage girls behaviour, and the audiance it is aimed for see how the media sees them. This is how the audiance feel connected to this character. The use of text over the action that is happening is there as teenage girls haven't got the attention span to see these before a film starts, which is how it would be in an adult film.

This type of film doesn't interest me as much as grown up adult films as it doesn't have much ideas going into it, and I don't think I would consider this for my opening two minutes. I will consider instead more adult comedy if I chose this genre, like Shaun of the Dead.

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