Friday 18 November 2011

Film Certificate Research

For Horror films the age restriction logo isn't for people at ages under 18. This is because of explicit content that horror films contain, which means that if I created this genre for my opening two minutes this is the certificate that would need to be included. By explicit content, that could mean blood and gruesome scenes that are disturbing to some audiances, and would frighten younger ages. For horror films, the certificate attracts the audiance, this is because an 18 film would attract the older audiances to the film because it guarantees explicit content which younger people couldn't watch. It is considered a good thing in the film industry for horror, and guarantees the audiance will watch it. The age restriction can also mean that the film contains language which younger children couldn't hear, which again attracts the audiance at which it is aimed for. What the eighteen age limit logo mainly refers to is sexual content, which can be more explicit than of the sexual content of a fifteen, compared to a twelve certificate which will contain no sexual content. This is what I will use for my film if it is a horror.

A certificate for fifteen year olds are usually family films, as they can contain few explicit content and some rude language. This is less effective than an eighteen on the older audiances as it can show the lack of sexual content or gore, which would be guaranteed in an eighteen film. This is used mainly for action cliches as it can be used for violence in a film with few disturbing scenes but it can reinforce the idea of abuse to the audiance. This is why it is not used for younger ages of twelve, as this age and below would reinforce and copy the actions that are on the screen. The fifteen certificate can be used for most teenage films or family films, this way it the most used certificate in attracting audiances.

The certificate twelve is the certificate that is used for family films as well as certificate fifteen, but it can be watched by younger ages, therefore it contains no language or explicit content. The action films are again included in this certificate, but it means no rude language or blood or gore can be included at all. This means if I chose to make a horror film this certificate wouldn't be appropriate because it wouldn't attract the audiance. This is because the audiance would repel by the lack or gore or explicit content which the certificate eighteen guarantees, and would become an unsuccessful film. A genre that would work best for this certificate is romace film, as it doesn't have to contain any explicit content and wouldn't reinforce young ages in a bad way.

I think looking at these certificates will help me understand when choosing my genre which one will need to be taken into account when I create my opening two minutes, and whether it should contain rude language or blood and gore. The genre I know I won't be making is a romance, as it means that the certificate will be under the Twelve or over, and it isn't a genre I enjoy doing. Horror would be hard to create in the opening two minutes, but action can be done. I think horror would include more for me to experiment with however, which is why I am still trying to decide which one I will choose.

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