Sunday 20 November 2011

Opening Credits


I decided to analyse the opening titles to twilight, as the use of font and editing makes this name title stand out compared to other films that are releasing themselves into the video industry. The title is effective in this film as it immediatly catches the audiance in, with the use of lighting. Making the title bright and using it effectively to make it look like light coming through the dark sky surrounding the screen sets the theme of the entire film, interpreting this as the light of the gloom that surrounds us at the start of this film. The use of font is bright and clear on the screen, taking up the entire room. This is so the audiance clearly see the name of the film and it sets an understanding that the film is about to start. Using elegant looping on the letter 'G' makes it more interesting to look at, instead of just settling it as normal font like Ariel, which would be considered too common, therefore the audiance wouldn't bother to look. Using tis type of font also interprets that this again shows the seeting of the film, as the font gives us the view that it is a fantasy like film, which is later found out to be true as it is involved around vampires. The use of font also establishes that this film is more feminine, as the looping wouldn't be included in a masculine action film or a horror, it doesn't fit in aesthetics or characteristics. This is for more love films and romance cliches, which I am not doing in my opening two minute clip, so I have analysed this so I can know what I need to avoid.


I chose to analyse Snatch oepning titles next to see the difference between a female film and a masculine film for action films. We know it is action by the bold lettering, with the font being plain and solid. The reason why we can interpret this as a masculine film is because the Titles are less important to males, as they want the action to start straight away. Underlining it attracts attention to the viewers, making sure they watch the screen, and it also adds exitement to the audiance as its purpose is to show the film is about to start, which it does so successfully. The writing is white to contrat against the diamond, which is done so the audiance feel this is more interesting than the expensive prop used behind it. This is effective in making the audiance know that this is an action film, because the title is bold just like the male cliche suggests they should feel. I like the idea of this title as well, and that is why I think an action is more interesting to me to do for my opening two minutes.  

I think analysing these titles has helped me decide what is the best choice of font to use, and know I know when I make an action film how to do my font and title, as it is more important than I first thought. I now know that my title is key to making the audiance know that this is the genre, it shows off the films genre.

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