Friday 16 December 2011

Beginning, Middle and End

For my opening two minutes, it needs to be made as if it was actually being created as a film. For this, I need a plot that would be made for throughout the film in order for it to make sense, as it would be leading up to something. For this, I need to decide a middle and end. The middle needs to contain something that is a big influence to the charatcer, more commomly the main character, as this would be the something that attracts the audiance in. As for the ending, it needs to conclude how the ending is going to sort out the problems that are faced, this needs to be so the audiance know how the ending will eventually effect the characters. For my film, the plot of the movie would be like this:


The beginning is the part I am going to film, and it resolves around four characters. These will be included so as to bring out a representation for different people, the main character will be the one that is hallucinating whilst the others are physically and mentally fine. The main character is the focus whilst there is two characters unrecognisably noticing any difference to the main character. The last character is the character that is dead in the film, we will know this by mise-en-scene and camerawork with the useof editing as well because there will be an included flashback, this will explain her death. Mise-en-scene will be in make up at the use of a headwound which is how she will die, hitting her head on a sink. This leaves the main character distraught as she is the best friend of the dead character whilst another character is distraught as well because it was her sister. The last character is a character that the audiance won't like, she will be snobbish in her appearance and the way she reacts, giving the audiance an instant dislike to her. We will like the main character and the alive sister, whilst the dead character hallucination becomes someone we hate later in the plot.


The middle of the plot is where the other alive characters start to notice the main characters indifference to her surroundings, and the hallucination character forces the main character to do things she doesnt want to do. Police would be involved at the onslaught of things that she would have to do, and the reasoning behind these plots would be that it triggers memories that later make the audiance find that the two best friends weren't as close as they thought, as memories are triggered to the main character through these hallucinations. The memories are  of hate and pain of the dead character who mainly invades her dreams, an idea I got from Inception. The audiance will want to be involved as it allows them to see how the death of this character is significant, and that the death wasn't an accident as they so think. This allows the audiance to get involved with the other two characters, as we grow more increasingly confident with the sister and more hatred towards the other friend character. It continues with the police following them closely because of evidence that shows that the death of the dead character may not have been an accident, but a murder. This increases audiance interest at the amount of things that are happening, whilst the main character becomes increasingly more agitated and loses her grip on what is real and what isn't.


The ending is where the blow of the entire beginning is justified, and we know who killed the dead character. The murder would be made all the way through to look as if it was done by the character that the audiance would hate, when in fact we find all along that it was the sister. This would be because of jelousy over the main characters connection with the dead character, and therefore it would be more emotional for the audiance as they would have been confident of that character. It instantly changes the view of the character that would be hated all the way through the film, and it would fulfil the ideal way of rounding up the story. The main character would be sent to a clinic to stop her hallucinations, as the use of drugs becomes increasingly obvious to everyone with how she becomes haullucinagetic in the first place. This would completely answer all question marks about the plot of the film, as the reason why the murder wouldn't have been recognised easily is because they would find traces of hair and assume it was the dead characters. The dead character is then seen as a lost soul, and not a character to hate, and it becomes to turn at the way we see her as she is seen for the last time when the main character is recovering. They part friends again.

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