Wednesday 14 December 2011

Sherlock Holmes 2

The new film of Sherlock Holmes is being released on December 16th 2011, which follows the first film of sherlock holmes. This is the next release of the action film sequence, and the first film was which inspired me in my thoughts for the opening two minutes. This contains more areas which create an ation film, and the analysis of this will help me as it shows more modern ways of creating an action film.
As the film is not released yet, the analysis i have to use is the trailer of the film. This includes main scenes that would attract the target audiance of 15+ mainly of the male gender.
The use of font is bold to represent the male gender, but it is more old fashioned in its aesthetics as itlooks as if it is written by a quill, which tells the audiance of the time that it is set in. This is effective in reinforcing the use of mise-en-scene.
This trailer contains a lot iof action as it attracts the audiance in to what they would be missing, this allows audiances to come and see the film which gets them into the cinema. Using violence as a tool to get people into the cinemas, this reinforces the males stereotypical view of violence being heroic and therefore attracting them into cinema. The use of humour is used to laugh with and at them, as the use of mise-en-scene is used with the use of costumes. This is good for their style of film but for my style it is more serious, therefore I can't use this. The use of violence with the lighting being reinforced as blue is helpful as it makes the mood more serious, which is what I will include in my opening two minutes.
This has been helpful as i can see how they make violence look more realistic, and I will include this in my opening two minutes.

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