Monday 5 December 2011

Props to make plot understandable.

In order for the plot to make sense in my film, there needs to be a trigger for the mental illusion that makes the clip repeat itself. This trigger is what the whole plot of my opening two minute clip is based on, so it needs to be important and easily recognisable to make the audiance understand in my clip. To make sure this makes sense, I have included different triggers that may have taken place. The props and triggers I may use are:


Drugs, illegal or mediacal, could be the trigger for why the illusion has taken place. The drugs I have included in this clip are vicodin, which is an addictive medical pain killer. This is the drug that is used in House, which is relatable to my work on my blog. I could make this work in my opening clip by including this as the mental trigger, but instead of using vicodin I could use the empty packet to show that the drugs have been taken, that is why my character would have had this illusion.

Alcohol is another idea that I can use to make this clip relatable, as it means the overdose of alcohol consumption could mean that the images that my character would have in the head are different compared to the actual idea. The problem is that the image that is mainly interpreted in the media for people under the influence of alcohol is the camera is blurred to show how they feel through their eyes, which means the use of editing would need to be considered. I think this is a good idea to use if it means I can present my use of editing on the computer, but this will only work as an idea that is relatable if my actor is able to act this in the right way.
This medical condition is the last idea that I think works with the plot of my clip, as according to this poster the symtoms include hallucinations and delusions. This could be incorporated into my idea in a way that is different to the ideas that other people would be thinking of, also it might be something that will be fun to experiment with in my opening clip. The other actor that I include in my clip could instead be a hallucination, and this way the interaction between two characters could be made more interesting than just a plain conversation. This can also be a twist which the audiance wouldn't expect, which is what appeals to me. This poster will be something I refer to if I decide this is definatly the reason why the delusion happens, although this is the idea that I find more intersting.

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