Friday 2 December 2011

Examples of Camera shots I would use.

Extreme Close Up

The use of extreme close up is what I am planning to use at the beginning of the scene, along with opening credits. This is so you can see the characters emotions at the beginning, or I might make it so the lack of emotion draws the audiance in, this would be at the beginning with the music I have included. Until the music starts to grow more loud, the eyes would stay shut at the beginning, and in time with the music the eyes would open, and you would see lack of emotion. This is how I picture the beginning to start, as it is dramatic and can link with the audiance to an action cliche. This would also be linked with opening credits, which would be showing either over the scene or on a black screen. This would draw the audiance in to see what is happening in the plot.

Unlike the beginning, the use of music and the same camera shots is how I picture it ending as well, to reinforce the idea that the entire scene that has happened was a hallucination. This is how I want the beginning and the end to happen to the plot, as the shots would be copied, but the characters expression would be changed at the realisation.

Wide Shot

This is an example of the shot I want to use of someone running away, away from something that would happen in my plot. The thing they would be running away from isnt certan yet, but I like the idea that is about to follow. I think this would be best as it then means I am using a cliche of an action film to my work, and therefore including the ideas that other people have made into my opening two minutes. I think that this should be followed by shots in other angles to the side, following the character along the corridor, this way the audiance can feel as if they are with them on the chase scene. This would be the basic start of the run so the audiance can know which way they are running, and how they look to the person they are running away from.

Close Up

A close up of the feet whilst running will add dramatic effect to how the audiance feel in this situation, as they will feel scared and vulnerable being so low down. This close up is what I am considering using on the person who is chasing, this way the persons face remains unknown, again using another cliche of an action film, but also linking with my interest of horror. The use of mise-en-scene will be important in this clip as it means that I have to focus on the costume that the chaser wears, the shoes being the most important, depending on the character I want to create. I think this will work best for me though, as it means I can experiment with different levels.

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